Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Go Fox Go

Several weeks ago my students began to practice a Reader's Theater play from the book Fox at School.  After a week and a half of practicing we were just about present the play to the entire elementary school when I suddenly came down with the flu.  Sadly due to illness and energy break we were unable to present the play until today.  The kids worked so hard with their parts and did a WONDERFUL job.  I was so proud of them!  Enjoy some pictures  from our production.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fun for All!

Happy Valentine's Day!

While Valentine's Day is celebrate in Austria, it is definitely not celebrated with the same enthusiasm as it is at home.  At school today, we had a small party where the kids did some activities, made cookies, and exchanged hand-made Valentines.  I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from our 4th/5th grade party!

5th Grade Girls Eating Cookies

4th Grade Girls Eating Cookies

More 4th Grade Girls Eating Cookies

4th & 5th Grade Boys

4th & 5th Grade Boys Making Cookies

4th & 5th Grade Boys Eating Cookies

Liz Stevens (5th Grade Teacher) with the Girls

Final Products (Boy's creation)

Valentine Exchange

Enjoying Some Momma Time!

For the last ten days I have had the privilege of enjoying time with my mother in Vienna.  Even though I had just seen her at Christmas, it was wonderful to have her come and experience "my Vienna life."  I loved being able to introduce her to my friends, new culture, students, and everything that is a part of my life for this season God has me in.  The first few days were spent getting over jet lag, seeing parts of Vienna, and learning what it is like to travel via public transportation.  :)  One her fifth day here, we traveled to the country of Czech Republic to see the beautiful city of Prague (I'll post later about this trip).  We arrived back in Vienna four days later to give her a few days of experiencing my classroom, students, and school here before she returns to the US.  With only two days left of her time in Vienna, I am cherishing our special moments and memories together. There is nothing quite like spending time with your Momma!

Together in Prague

Together in Vienna