Sunday, March 4, 2012

Questions about Probability

In class we recently finished a math chapter about probability.  During the course of the unit we also spent time talking about God and probability.  Within a fifth grade understanding of probability, there are five different levels.  Things can be...
1. impossible
2. unlikely
3. equally likely
4. likely
5. certain
Thankfully, with God, nothing is impossible, unlikely, equally likely, or likely.  God can do ANYTHING...He is certain!  It doesn't mean that He will do everything we want Him to do...He does what is best for us.  He saved the Israelites by giving Moses the power to part the Red Sea.  He created all of included.  He came down to earth as a baby and died for our sins.  God doesn't flip a coin to decide what happens.  He is certain about what to do because our Lord is omnipotent.  I don't know about you, but if I were to bet on something, I would bet on Him!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mandy! Great to see you! I found your newsletter at church. When I saw you had a blog I said to myself, "I have to follow her!" I have a blog too. Check it out and we can follow each other. I look forward to reading more about your teaching adventures in Vienna. How exciting!
    Grace to you!
