Have you ever wished for several additional hours in the day? For the past few months I've DESPERATELY needed a few extra hours each day. I can't seem to find enough time with all the different things I want/need to do: teach full time, prepare to take over as Elementary Principal next year, try to have some type of a social life, find time to dwell in God's Word, clean my apartment, etc.
The human part of me wishes that God chose to create a 30 hour day, but knowing myself, 30 hours still wouldn't be enough time to complete all I needed/wanted to do. I need to be content with the time He has provided. God knew what He was doing when He created the world. He provided just the right amount of time to accomplish everything in His plans.
The missions pastor at my US church has been studying the concept of the Sabbath (click
here to read the blog). Through his studies, he has come to a better understand of what the Lord commands in regards to keeping the Sabbath day holy. His thoughts on the topic have really got me thinking about the need to rest and relax in the Lord. Life will always be busy, but there are also times when God will speak to you in the still, quiet moments. It's important to remember to take time to have those moments and listen carefully to the Lord.